Hello! I’m Stephanie Engelman. I’m a wife, mother, writer, speaker, and personal historian.
Having spent the bulk of my years with lukewarm faith, I embarked on a journey toward the Lord in 2005 when I fell in love with Christ, His Church, and His sacraments. Through prayer and study, I’ve striven to grow in faith, hope, and love ever since.
By the grace of God, faith carried me through my husband’s near-fatal heart attack and subsequent brain injury, when I was blessed with “the peace beyond all understanding.”
The words, “God will provide, God will be glorified,” came instantly to mind and continued to play, a blessed broken record providing a litany of reassurance.
In the years since the heart attack, the Lord has proven again and again that He will, indeed, provide.
When my husband emerged from the ordeal with a life-altering brain injury, however, the answer to the latter part of that promise — “God will be glorified” — became increasingly clear.
"By this my Father is glorified,” Jesus said, “that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." (John 15:8)
Our loving Father does not always choose to glorify Himself through awe-inspiring miracles, and I came to understand that, by not answering our prayers for a miracle, the Lord was blessing—yes, blessing!—me and my family with an opportunity to glorify Him as we picked up our cross and followed Him with peace, joy, and love.